Creating a Mascot Concept using ChatGPT-4

Professor Richard Baldwin at the Geneva Graduate Institute in Switzerland recently said about Artificial Intelligence :

AI is not going to take our jobs, people who know AI will.

I am currently doing some research on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML). The other day, just for fun, I decided to have a little back-and-forth with ChatGPT-4 to generate a mockup of what a mascot for my company would look like.

I use the paid version of ChatGPT but you can use DALL-E, it works just fine, and it's free.

I fed it our logo, gave it some base colors to work with (red and blue of course), and told it that it had to look like a superhero that would have broad appeal ( I hinted at it being cartoonish, or like a video game character).

It needed to look happy, with positive energy, and have some symbology related to the core services that we offered (broadband and wireless).

It took about 10 minutes. This is what I came up with:


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